Sculpsure: Permanent Laser Lipolysis
Non-surgical fat destruction in the past has consisted of a technology that cooled, thereby destroyed fat cells. Disadvantages of this technology include uneven contouring (i.e. lumpiness).
A newer technology is the use of a hi-tech laser (SCULPSURE) that penetrates the surface of your skin and targets fat cells, thereby destroying them. These destroyed cells are then slowly removed by the body through the lymphatic system. This process can take 4-6 weeks.
As SCULPSURE uses laser energy, the fat destruction is evenly distributed and leaves no lumpiness.
- For best results, 2 treatments are typically required.
- SCULPSURE can be used even if you have had previous abdominal surgery or mesh placement for hernia repair.
- SCULPSURE is the only laser machine with this technology.
- Once the fat cells are destroyed, they are permanently removed.
Where can SCULPSURE be used?
SCULPSURE can be used for problem areas including inner thighs, back of thighs/buttocks, lower and upper abdomen, flanks, back bra line and back of arms. The treatment for one area is 25 minutes. I (Dr. Horton) have received this treatment. It is uncomfortable as there is tissue destruction. However, the operator can lower the settings for better comfort.
SCULPSURE has been rigorously studied and is scientifically proven to destroy over 20 percent of fat cells with each treatment.